Crawford Lewis Must Go!
The Deplorable Conditions At
Cross Keys High School

By Dr. John Trotter


Personally, I think that Crawford Lewis and his DeKalb administration are driven so much by political factors. Yes, any careless observer knows that Cross Keys High School has been neglected for years. The school is very ethnic-oriented, and, unfortunately the people do not appear to feel politically empowered. This must change. If this physical facility was located where Stephenson High is now located, the parents of the community would be demanding that the DeKalb County Board of Education fire Superintendent Crawford Lewis (which, by the way, is a pretty good idea). At MACE, we think that Superintendent Lewis is a joke, a clown, and a candy ass superintendent. Hey, Lawyer Josey Alexander, are we clear enough for you? Crawford Lewis is a joke and a clown of a superintendent because of the deplorable Cross Keys High School situation and many other similar eyesores in the DeKalb County School System. He is a candy ass superintendent because he is evidently afraid to process a State-mandated grievance according to State Statute (O.C.G.A. 20-2-989.5 et seq.). Apparently there are other groups in Georgia and DeKalb County who have similarly low opinions of the DeKalb County School System's "leadership" (the buck stops at the top with Crawford Lewis) because websites are springing up explicitly to protest the actions of the DeKalb County School System. I guess MACE is just prophetic in its analysis of the DeKalb County School System under the non-leadership of Crawford Lewis. (c) MACE, 2009.

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